Our Daily Manna Daily Devotional – “Who are You?” Must End! His Wife Insulted Him!
ODM Today January 2020 Day 21 TOPIC: “WHO ARE YOU?” MUST END! HIS WIFE INSULTED HIM! BASIC SCRIPTURE: ACTS 19: 13-20 A man once came to me and cried that his wife gave him the BIGGEST AINSULT of his life on that day! I was curious to know what she said! And he said: “My [...]
source https://gospomedley.com.ng/our-daily-manna-daily-devotional-who-are-you-must-end-his-wife-insulted-him/
source https://gospomedley.com.ng/our-daily-manna-daily-devotional-who-are-you-must-end-his-wife-insulted-him/