CAC Living Water Daily Devotional – Whatsoever Things Are Pure

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional |  Sunday, November 28, 2021 | Whatsoever Things Are Pure


Topic: Whatsoever Things Are Pure

Date: Sunday, November 28, 2021

Read: Philippians 4:8-9

MEMORISE: With the pure You will show Yourself pure; And with the devious You will show Yourself Shrewd (2 Samuel 22:27)


Purity can be defined as being spotless or stainless. It is synonymous to cleanliness, transparency, limpidness, wholesomeness, etc. Something is pure when it is devoid of any contamination, blemish, or corruption. Again, salvation is needed to understand and experience this great virtue. Titus 1:15 says, ‘To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled’.

Purity is associated with God’s holiness. The holiness of God beats all of man’s imagination and self-righteousness. God’s holiness even transcends the heavens. The heavens are not even pure before God. God is holy in all His character. Whatever He does can never be wrong, because He is inherently good; no evil can be found in Him. His holiness cannot be separated from His righteousness, glory and unprecedented power.

As our God is holy, perfect and pure, He is calling onto all His children to manifest these characters, because they are His image and likeness. He wants them to be distinct from the people of the world whose ways are in darkness. Christians are peculiar, special and holy people, and they are expected to show forth the praise, glory, power and beauty of God (1 Pet. 2:9). It is absurd for the name of God to be profaned through any believer’s unwholesome lifestyle.

God sets us apart for Himself with a standard which is distinct from the world. You have no option than to be separated and unblemished. You must be pure both outwardly and inwardly (Acts 24:16; 2 Cor. 4:2; Heb. 9:14). God shows Himself pure to those who are pure. As to those who are vile, God pays them accordingly, in their own coins. No one can mock God; what you sow you shall reap.


1. Lord, make me wholly Your own.

2. O Lord, create in me a new heart, and renew right spirit within me, so that I can resemble You in all I do and say.

3. O Lord, create Your holy hunger in all our Youth and make them to desire You ahead of the world and all its passing passion.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: Ezekiel 22:27 – 24:9; 1 Peter 1:13 – 2:8


Author: Christ Apostolic Church  [Worldwide]

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