Seeds Of Destiny Devotional – The Character Of Haters

Paul Enenche

Dunamis Seeds Of Destiny 10 December 2024 Devotional By Dr. Paul Enenche: The Character Of Haters


TOPIC: The Character Of Haters (Seeds Of Destiny 10 December 2024)

SCRIPTURE: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; – Hebrew 12:15.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: One character or characteristics of haters is keeping the record of the wrong deeds of their victims.


Hate is poisonous, and the action of hate affects both the haters and the hated.

In our study today, we shall highlight the character and characteristics of haters. This is very important so you can guard against such traits and embrace the love of God.

Now, one character or characteristics of haters is keeping the record of the wrong deeds of their victims. They not only keep record of wrongs; they also celebrate the misfortunes and challenges of their victims.

Haters disrespect and despise their victims; they look down on their victims. They deliberately do things that cause their victims pain, ensuring they feel the hurt.

Also, when people hate others, they decide to believe every terrible thing they hear about the one they hate without giving them the opportunity of a fair hearing. They are permanently judgmental and critical towards the people they hate, and so they are unable to see anything good in them. They are blinded by hate and bitterness to the good deeds of those they dislike.

They develop a keen interest in hate, becoming “hate professionals.” They join the bandwagon of those who hate and attack others.

They also recruit co-haters into the project of hatred. For example, they might say to their co-haters, “I hate this man, and I want you to hate him along with me.”

They possess the habit of being constantly on the lookout for bad reports. All they look for out are negative things they can hear about the person they hate. If they find none, they go to the extent of inventing one by lying or making false allegations.

Beloved, this is a dangerous lifestyle, and you must make up your mind never to be part of it.
Remember this: One character or characteristics of haters is keeping the record of the wrong deeds of their victims.


  1. Refuse the habit of keeping the record of people’s wrong deeds against you as not to move God to keep yours.
  2. Make up your mind never to allow the spirit of hate exercise dominion over your life.

PRAYER: Father, I ask that You search my heart. Help me never to allow the spirit of hate have dominion over my life, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Your passion for God’s kingdom will take you to the top. Let God be the reason for which you live. Let everything about your life revolve around God.

Culled from the book, “30 Secrets to the Top” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: 1 Timothy 5-2 Timothy 1.

AMAZING FACT: The roar of a lion can last for up to 40 seconds.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): May the love of God saturate and irrigate your heart delivering you from every trace of hate in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities.

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